The Madagascar Journal: Overview

I kept a journal during both of my ventures to Madagascar in 2000 and 2007. It documents the excitement of travelling in this beautiful country. Below is a chronological list of journal entries. To catch the entire adventure, start with 2000. For a more recent report including the changes in recent years, start with 2007.

Chapter One - The 2000 Trip

  1. First Contact
  2. Taxi
  3. Sambava Beach
  4. In the Jungle
  5. Diego
  6. Le Grand Trip to Ankarana


  1. Antananarivo the Capital

Chapter Two

  1. The Chinese Doctor
  2. Lemurs
  3. The Fate of Paradise
  4. Panorama
  5. Fort Dauphin - Tuléar, Day One
  6. Fort Dauphin - Tuléar, Day Two
  7. A Night in Itampolo
  8. Fort Dauphin - Tuléar, Day Three
  9. Fort Dauphin - Tuléar, Day Four
  10. Ifaty
  11. Music
  12. Animals
  13. Food
  14. Final Thoughts

Chapter Three - The 2007 Trip

  1. Antananarivo
  2. Ankarafantsika
  3. Majunga
  4. Around Majunga
  5. Sick
  6. Tree Planting, Crocodile Meat, and the Andasibe Rainforest
  7. Vatomandry
  8. Wrapping up