Soccer gameSmall storeWaiting for the catchHunting for crabsLaundry and fresh water queueLunch at a restaurantPig on a cartClose to AnalakelyWeddingA basketball gamePeople attending church (on Easter Sunday)Youngsters taking selfiesDressed up for Easter SundayPeople in the fieldsOn the way to church (Easter Sunday)TalatamatyChildren amazed by the appearance of a Vazaha
Hillside housesColourful housesMore hillside housesYet more hillside housesHillside houses everywhere
Traffic and Cars
Driving in TanaDriving during duskThey’ve been fixing this car for decadesWedding carDecommissioned carDecommissioned car (probably)
Talatamaty Market
All kinds of meatBeefGrinding manioc leavesThe market at sunsetThe poultry aisle
Some kind of Malagasy DisneylandStreet dogs (quiet during the day, loud during the night)A private gardenFat spiders (the biggest ones are about 10cm wide)